Now that you've entered your Hotel search parameters, let's quickly find the perfect hotel for your traveller!
Please note: The view on your Atriis portal may differ slightly from the examples provided based on your configurations and admin settings. Please open a Zendesk ticket if you ever have any questions.
(click the heading once to view the article; click it again to collapse)
Hotel Results - List View
At the very top of the screen, you will see a recap of your search parameters. If you need to modify the location or dates, you can do it right in these fields and click "Search" need to return to the Search screen.
To the right of the search parameters, is the button to generate a price offer. You can learn about this feature in a dedicated Hotel Price Offer article (coming soon!).
Just below are the filter, sort, search, and map view features. These allow you to customize which hotels are shown in the results and are discussed in depth in different articles on this page.
The order the results are displayed in is explained in depth in the Hotel Results - Default Sort article. To summarize:
- If there are corporate-preferred hotels in your location, only they will be initially displayed.
- If there are no corporate-preferred hotels available, or if you click the link to display all results, Atriis will display hotels in the following order:
- Corporate-preferred properties
- Results with corporate agreement rates
- TMC recommended properties
- TMC recommended chains
- Results with TMC agreement rates
Results in each of the above groups are sorted by ascending price.
Let's look at the details of each hotel in the list.
- Source and Agreements (red underline)
- The blue ribbon indicates the source of the hotel room:
- "My TMC" = from your GDS
- "Market" = from another TMC via Atriis Marketplace
- "Non GDS" = from external supplier for instant purchase
- A handshake icon, if present, indicates a TMC or Corporate agreed-upon rate
- Atriis will automatically apply contracts on every search and mark the results with these special rates with the handshake icon
- If you hover over the icon it it will show which agreement code brought the discounted result
- Note: Travelport GDSs don't always indicate a corporate rate; but they will always be in the hotel room description
- Purple pin (yellow) is present if the hotel is a corporate-preferred hotel
- Suppliers (green) shows the service offering the hotel option; this can be a GDS or any third-party vendor that Atriis works with
- Property information (blue) lists the hotel name, address, and distance from city center/search location
- Stars (purple) show the quality of the hotel on a 5-star scale
- Rate (pink) shows the lowest room per-night rate at the hotel during the stay
- Some rooms at the same hotel may have a higher rate for the same dates
- If there are multiple days in the stay, with a different lowest rate for each night, the lowest rate for the stay will be displayed (ie: Sunday's lowest rate is $120, and Monday is $150, Atriis will show "From $120")
- After you enter the room availability, you get the rate for the entire stay
- If a rate is out of policy for your corporate account, there will be an "OOP" icon.
- Note: OOP just warns the agent this result is OOP and will need to be justified at the end of the process; it can still be booked
- There may be a note of savings realized for some agreements
- This will also show when payment is due: "Pre-paid" or "Pay on Departure"
On the far right, there is a "More Details" tab. Expand this to view the hotel's description. The content is provided by the GDS and other hotel content enrichment sources; it may include an overview of property amenities, local attractions, airport transfer details, driving instructions, fees, check-in and check-out policies, and dining options.
If you hover over a hotel selection, a "Room Rates and Info" button will appear. Click this to view all rooms available during your dates on the Room Results page. Find all the details in another article below!
Hotel Results - Map View
When you first click the button, the map will generally show the results that were filtered/sorted on the list view page first. Feel free to alter these modifiers on this page in the same manner as the list view page.
Map tips:
- You will see the results in the list have numbered pins that are also shown on the map. Click on an option in the list and the pin will be highlighted in the list and on the map. Conversely, if you hover over a location on the map, that pin will be highlighted on the map and in the list. A pop-up box will also appear on the pin in the map.
- In dense city centers, there may be multiple numbers in the same location which results in a number covering others beneath it. In this example, hotels at #3, 5, and 6 are bunched together. Zoom in the map (using the mouse scroll or the map zoom buttons) and you will see the individual numbers spread out.
- As you zoom or re-center the map, the list of options on the left will change and/or be renumbered to only show what is visible on the map view.
- If you hover over a pin on the map, a small pop-up will appear providing that hotel's address.
If you are interested in the Marriott at Union Square, you can click on the hotel in the list and both corresponding pins will turn orange.
Since there are several hotels in that area of SFO, you can zoom in to see the exact location and nearby attractions. Notice that the pin changed number and there are fewer results in the list. This is due to the automatic "Map Filter" that is applied when the map is zoomed or panned. This streamlines the list to only show the hotels that are visible on the current map.
If your traveller changes his mind and would prefer a view of the bay and bridge, you can find hotels near the Golden Gate Bridge by searching for it in the "Search Place" feature. You choose the Argonaut Hotel.
As noted above, the map filter automatically is applied to list only properties that are shown on the map and preferred hotels. You can see the filter applied by the filter icon. If you choose to expand the map and see all properties, click the "click here" link.
Now you can see all the purple pins (preferred hotels) and dots (all other hotels) on the map. And the list results is no longer 2 pages long; it is 26 pages long. This provides a full view of all hotels, which is especially handy if you need to look at a small area, as it will show all options.
Room Results
From the top:
- Hotel info: Address, Check-in and Check-out times
- Photos: Click on a photo to enlarge and skim through the entire photo gallery, when available
- Map: A gray pin will show the location of the hotel; zoom and pan on the map
- Amenities and Description: More details supplied by the GDS and content providers
- Search Parameters: Change the dates of your stay here
- Column headings: Include Sort/Filter Capabilities
- Hotel room list
Rooms can be sorted by Source, Supplier, Room/Amenities, and Price by clicking on the heading. Here we are sorting by Price, low to high, as indicated by the blue "^" symbol above the column name.
The results can also be filtered on the same four columns if a choice of options exists.
Full details about sorting and filtering are in the below article. Keep in mind the price filter here adjusts the total rate for the entire stay. The price range can be adjusted by sliding the low and high limits; the results will reflect the filter settings immediately.
As shown below, the results are sorted by ascending price and filtered to show a max total cost of $1250.31. The top result is the least expensive room. The Cancellation Policy, Terms and Conditions, and Rate breakdown can be viewed.
If provided by the GDS, the Cancellation policy can be seen in the room display; otherwise you will need to click on the "Cancellation Policy: check Terms & Conditions" link to view it.
The T&C shows all the GDS data about the corresponding room.
If you click on the yellow rate ribbon, it will expand out to show the rate for each night of the stay plus the tax amount, which adds up to the total cost. Click the ribbon again to collapse it. The tax amount depends on the supplier, Atriis doesn’t calculate this independently.
When ready, add the room to your cart or book it right away (or read more articles on this training page!).
The hotel listings can be customized to display only the results you want to see.
You can sort by Hotel Name, Price, Distance, and number of Stars. Default Sort is described in the Anatomy article above; it makes preferred and recommended hotels the priority, while sorting by ascending price.
Choose the sort field by clicking the "Sort by" menu and making your selection.
A blue symbol next to the sort menu will indicate the direction of the sort. Clicking the blue symbol changes the direction of the sort.
- By default, the results will be sorted in ascending order
- This means that Hotel Name will be sorted alphabetically and Price, Distance, and Stars will be sorted lowest-to-highest
- The symbol looks like a "^"
- Click the symbol to reverse the sort order
- The sort will be Z->A or highest-to-lowest, respectively
- The symbol looks like a "v"
Open the filter options by clicking on the purple button (collapse the filter by clicking the button again). You can filter results on all fields shown below:
There may not always be choices for Source, Agreement, Suppliers, and Payment, based on the location. But all possible options that comprise your result list will be displayed.
To note: There is a drop-down menu to filter on the hotel chain; either scroll, type the hotel name, or type the chain code.
And here again, is the ubiquitous price range filter. It provides a sliding scale for you to indicate the minimum-maximum nightly rate you want to see. The range shown is based on the actual lowest price and highest price in the results. Slide either endpoint in/out to narrow/expand the range.
Lastly, there's a handy Search feature. By entering any part of a hotel name, the results will filter to show only hotels with that word(s) in the name. For example, searching on "Garden" returns several Hilton Garden Inns, a Citigarden Hotel, and an Orchard Garden Hotel. So if you're not sure the exact name of a desired hotel, give the Search a try.
Let's put it all together! If your traveller wants a Hilton room in SFO, with maximum nightly rate of $200, you can filter on Price to set the max at $200, sort by Price, and Search for "Hilton". You will immediately be presented with your options:
Book now|Add to Cart
When you choose your room, you have two options: Add to Trip Cart and Book Now.
But what's the difference?
- The "+ Trip Cart" button will save the selection to your Atriis booking and in your Trip Cart. It is not added to a PNR and you are not committed to purchasing it but it will be there if your traveller wants it.
- The "+ BOOK" button allows you to reserve the hotel immediately from the results page. The selection will be added to the PNR and Trip Cart and the status in the cart will be "On Hold" or "Confirmed", depending on your configurations.
Add to Trip Cart
Once you click "+ Trip Cart", three changes occur:
- The button will change to "Added". You can remove it from the cart by clicking on the trash can icon adjacent to the "Added" text.
- The hotel will be added to the booking itinerary on the left panel.
- The Trip Cart icon on the top-right of your booking screen will increase in number to show the new segment added.
Take a look in your Trip Cart. The status for this segment will be 'Pending Booking". No PNR is created at this point. Also note the two items that need to be added: Traveller name and FOP. These are required prior to being able to checkout.
When ready, complete the information in your booking, select the segment, and click "Checkout". Atriis will walk you through the rest!
If there is no need to add more segments to the booking or wait for anything else, go ahead and "Book".
First, if your traveller hasn't already been added to the booking, you will be prompted to do so now.
After you click "Book" again, you will then be given the opportunity to enter necessary and optional data. In this example, the FOP is required and you have the ability to enter special requests also.
On any of the option screens, you may enter data (or not) and:
- Click "+ Book" to save any data and go straight to the Trip Cart.
- Click "Save and Next" to page through the options, entering data only where needed.
- Click "Close" to cancel this hotel choice; you will be returned to the results screen.
Each time you click "Save and Next", will notify you that any changes have been saved to your booking.
When you click "Book", you will see a "Booking in Progress" pop-up while Atriis is working on saving this hotel. You may click one of the four buttons to add a flight, add another hotel, add a car, or view your Trip Cart, respectively. You will be notified when the car has been added to the booking.
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