Ypsilon is an aggregator that provides low-cost carrier content for Atriis.
For more information about the service, visit the Ypsilon website.
You can review the list of all available airlines through Ypsilon in the attached file.
Airlines with the Status ✔ are available.
Airlines with Status – will be available soon
Please note that some airlines are available on demand only and require an affiliate login.
This list is subject to change at any time by Ypsilon.
Adding Ypsilon content to your Portal
Atriis implementation fee: consult your Order Form or the Extended Services List.
Alternatively, you can contact your Customer Success or Implementation manager who will confirm the pricing.
To add Ypsilon to your Atriis portal, you have 2 solutions: sign a direct agreement with Ypsilon, or use the Atriis agreement.
Direct agreement
If you already have an agreement with Ypsilson, contact your Account Manager, and request the connection to your Atriis portal.
If you don't have an agreement yet, you can contact directly to inquire and get the process started.
Atriis agreement
Please contact your Customer Success Manager to request the Ypsilon connection. Only minimal information is required for the connection, and after validating your request, the content can be added to your portal in a few days.
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