Get Trip is a Get API service to retrieve up-to-date trip data from Atriis. It can be used by any 3rd party requiring this data for the purposes the like of reporting, invoicing, itinerary building etc. Any update to a trip generates a new snapshot of this trip captures by a new GetTrip JSON file.
This page includes the most recent information and documentation of the Get Trip file. In the attachments you will find:
- PDF document detailing the flow
- Excel sheet with detailed documentation of the Response values.
- Sample response JSON file for reference
We also recommend you check the Get Trip FAQ.
How it works?
This API contains two services:
- Get Active Updates - Retrieve a list of trips that were created or updated in Atriis in a selected time frame.
- Get Trip - Provides current snapshot of items in a specified single trip.
For example, you can use Get Active Trips request to get a list of trips which were created or updated in Atriis in the past 2 minutes, or 24 hours. Then you can use Get Trip request on every trip to get the updated information for products on each trip.
Bear in mind that there is a setup fee for using Get Trip. The fee is part of the Professional Services Price List, which is appendix to the Atriis MSA. Please contact your Customer Success Manager for more details.
In addition, be aware that the technology provider receiving the Get Trip messages may charge you for the integration. Please contact them directly.
To kick off the connection please follow the below steps:
- Sign-up to Atriis Developer Portal to generate APIKEY to our API. Atriis will instruct you if you will develop towards our production or staging site. If you develop towards production, then register on this link: If you are developing towards staging, then register on this link:
- Review the attached documents with set up instructions and API documentation.
- After we will accomplish the above steps we will start the development process.
Version Management
The leading principle in the Get Trip version management is differentiating between breaking and non-breaking changes.
Breaking changes - A breaking change is considered as a change to the structure of the file, or to the fields logic. A primary version number will change when breaking changes are introduced. These new builds will be running for a limited period in parallel to older builds and on separate endpoints, to allow you time to adjust to the new changes.
The current primary version is V3
Non-breaking changes - Bug fixes and newly introduced fields are generally considered non-breaking changes. Since there is no migration period required, these versions will retain the same primary version number and will simply replace the older version.
Atriis release number - As of V3.2.0 the Get Trip API version is included in the response header. this value will also include the number of the Atriis release cycle, to ease tracking of issues reported. For example: V3.2.0.114 means Get Trip V3.2.0 issued after Atriis release 114. These numbers do not indicate any updates to the Get Trip file itself. Atriis release cycle is roughly two weeks.
Version Updates
Atriis will communicate version updates via email only in case of breaking changes. Regular updates will be added in this article. If you wish to receive these updates to your mailbox, please follow this article.
Documentation update - Benerail Moove - 15-October-2024
3.3.0 - 28-July-2024 - Latest
New Fields
- Under Passenger Section, After "Guest"
- Boolean - True, False
- Optional - N
- Description: Was the passenger selected as the primary passenger in the trip?
- If only one pax - will be shown True.
- Under Car Segment, after ConfirmNo
- Integer
- Optional - Y
- Description: PassengerID of the selected driver in the car booking
- Limitation: Not applicable for manual quotes
3.2.1 - 16-June-2024
Updated fields
Flights - Ticket numbers standardization.
Structural display of the ticket numbers was standardized. In earlier versions there was no standardization as the values were taken directly from the providers. We have harmonized this, so a ticket number value will be the same regardless the booking source.
Example: xxxyyyyyyyyyy-zzz 1252222222801-802
3.2.0 - 2-June-2024
General sorting
- The following fields were moved to the top of the file, with no change to their level in the hierarchy:
New Fields
- GetTripVersionNumber the format will include also the Atriis release number: ( – xxx=release/patch number)
- TravelerFlightInfo --> MiddleName
- DB Rail Quotes – BMISNumber
- EMDTicketInfo --> PassengerID - of the related pax
- CarSegment - SunnyCarsFleet - in case of SunnyCars bookings. Fleet indicates the rental company.
- Manual Quotes - TotalCost - So far only TotalCostDisplayCurrency was available.
- Manual Quotes - Comment Free text from comment section
- Flight Quotes - IsNDC - in case source system is Sabre, Travelport - True/False per segment.
- Flight Quotes - The following fields were added for consistency:
- TicketTotalCost
- LowestFareDisplayCurrency
- RefundPenaltyDisplayCurrency
- TotalRefundDisplayCurrency
- RefundFareDisplayCurrency
- RefundTaxDisplayCurrency
Fixed fields
- CO2 emissions for Hotels - fixed an issue where the amount was always shown as 0.0
- Hotel quote TotalCostDisplayCurrency - fixed to show the total cost of the stay and not per night
- CarSegment - LocationName - fixed to show the location name and not the code.
- CarSegment - CarVendorName - fixed to show the vendor name and not the code
Dear all,
V3.2.1 will go live 16-June-2024. Documentation is updated in the article, please log in to check it.
Dear all,
V3.3.0 will go live 28-July-2024. Documentation is updated in the article, please log in to check it.
Dear all,
Atriis and Benerail will soon announce migration for bookings on the new Benerail Moove API.
Until the final sunset of the Benerail legacy API (DSWS), bookings in Atriis can be expected on both DSWS and Moove API.
There is no change to the structure and parameters, but a new SourceSystem is introduced for Benerail Moove API: 'BENERAILMOOVE'.
The documentation and the article are updated with the new SourceSystem.
An official announcement on the migration with further information and documentation will be sent soon to all our clients.
Article is closed for comments.